Gene Symbol SGK1
Entrez Gene 6446
Alt Symbol SGK
Species Human
Gene Type protein-coding
Description serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 1
Other Description Sgk1 variant i3|serine/threonine protein kinase SGK|serine/threonine-protein kinase Sgk1|serum/glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1
Swissprots E1P583 B7Z5B2 B7UUP8 Q5TCN3 Q5TCN4 B7UUP7 O00141 Q5TCN2 Q9UN56 Q5VY65 B7UUP9
Accessions AAN40971 CAA04146 EAW47991 EAW47992 EAW47993 O00141 AF153609 AAD41091 AK055077 BAG51463 AK098509 AK293383 BAH11497 AK295422 BAH12061 AK298688 BAH12848 BC001263 AAH01263 BC013832 BP384292 BQ183142 BX537882 CAD97879 BX649005 CAH10381 DA309338 DB450096 DC428953 EU518415 ACD35864 FM205707 CAR58095 FM205708 CAR58096 FM205709 CAR58097 FM205710 CAR58098 JQ836654 AFJ04414 Y10032 CAA71138 XM_011536071 XP_011534373 NM_001143676 NP_001137148 NM_001143677 NP_001137149 NM_001143678 NP_001137150 NM_001291995 NP_001278924 NM_005627 NP_005618
Function Serine/threonine-protein kinase which is involved in the regulation of a wide variety of ion channels, membrane transporters, cellular enzymes, transcription factors, neuronal excitability, cell growth, proliferation, survival, migration and apoptosis. Plays an important role in cellular stress response. Contributes to regulation of renal Na(+) retention, renal K(+) elimination, salt appetite, gastric acid secretion, intestinal Na(+)/H(+) exchange and nutrient transport, insulin-dependent salt sensitivity of blood pressure, salt sensitivity of peripheral glucose uptake, cardiac repolarization and memory consolidation. Up-regulates Na(+) channels: SCNN1A/ENAC, SCN5A and ASIC1/ACCN2, K(+) channels: KCNJ1/ROMK1, KCNA1-5, KCNQ1-5 and KCNE1, epithelial Ca(2+) channels: TRPV5 and TRPV6, chloride channels: BSND, CLCN2 and CFTR, glutamate transporters: SLC1A3/EAAT1, SLC1A2 /EAAT2, SLC1A1/EAAT3, SLC1A6/EAAT4 and SLC1A7/EAAT5, amino acid transporters: SLC1A5/ASCT2, SLC38A1/SN1 and SLC6A19, creat
Subcellular Location Cytoplasm. Nucleus. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Cell membrane. Mitochondrion. Note=The subcellular localization is controlled by the cell cycle, as well as by exposure to specific hormones and environmental stress stimuli. In proliferating cells, it shuttles between the nucleus and cytoplasm in synchrony with the cell cycle, and in serum/growth factor- stimulated cells it resides in the nucleus. In contrast, after exposure to environmental stress or treatment with glucocorticoids, it is detected in the cytoplasm and with certain stress conditions is associated with the mitochondria. In osmoregulation through the epithelial sodium channel, it can be localized to the cytoplasmic surface of the cell membrane. Nuclear, upon phosphorylation.
Tissue Specificity Expressed in most tissues with highest levels in the pancreas, followed by placenta, kidney and lung. Isoform 2 is strongly expressed in brain and pancreas, weaker in heart, placenta, lung, liver and skeletal muscle. {ECO:0000269|PubMed:10548550, ECO:0000269|PubMed:18753299}.
Top Pathways Aldosterone-regulated sodium reabsorption, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway

Phospho-SGK1 (Ser78) (D36D11) Rabbit mAb - 5599 from Cell Signaling Technology

Prices $287.00
Sizes 100 µl (10 western blots)
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone D36D11
Western blot analysis of extracts from COS cells transfected with SGK1 using Phospho-SGK1 (Ser78) (D36D11) Rabbit mAb, untreated or following antibody pre-incubation with either a site-specific phosphorylated peptide to block the signal or a site-specific non-phosphorylated peptide that cannot block the signal.

Phospho-SGK (Ser78) Antibody - 3271 from Cell Signaling Technology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 100 µl (10 western blots)
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Western blot analysis of extracts from HeLa cells untransfected (left lane) and transfected by HA-SGK (right lane), using Phospho-SGK (Ser78) Antibody (upper) or control SGK Antibody #3272 (lower). The phospho-specificity of the antibody was characterized by treating the membrane with or without calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP) after Western transfer.

SGK Antibody - 3272 from Cell Signaling Technology

Prices $239.00
Sizes 100 µl (10 western blots)
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Western blot analysis of extracts from NIH/3T3 cells transfected with HA-SGK using SGK Antibody.

SGK1 (D27C11) Rabbit mAb - 12103 from Cell Signaling Technology

Prices $246.00
Sizes 100 µl (10 western blots)
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone D27C11
Western blot analysis of extracts from SK-MEL-28, SK-MEL-5, and HSG cells using SGK1 (D27C11) Rabbit mAb.

Phospho-SGK1 (Thr256) Antibody - 2939 from Cell Signaling Technology

Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal

SGK (C-20) - sc-15885 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Goat
Clonality Polyclonal
Western blot analysis of inactive (A,C,E) and active (B,D,F) human recombinant SGK fusion protein. Antibodies tested include SGK (C-20): sc-15885 (A,B), p-SGK (Thr 256): sc-16744 (C,D) and p-SGK (Thr 256)-R: sc-16744-R (E,F).

SGK (G-4) - sc-377360 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
SGK (G-4): sc-377360. Western blot analysis of SGK expression in NIH/3T3 whole cell lysate.

SGK (H-4) - sc-28338 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
SGK (H-4): sc-28338. Western blot analysis of human recombinant SGK.

SGK (H-40) - sc-33774 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
SGK (H-40): sc-33774. Immunoperoxidase staining of formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded human adrenal gland tissue showing cytoplasmic staining of glandular cells.

SGK (84-O) - sc-130402 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $295.00
Sizes 100 µg/ml
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
SGK (84-O): sc-130402. Immunofluorescence staining of methanol-fixed HeLa cells showing nuclear and cytoplasmic localization.

p-SGK (Ser 422) - sc-16745 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Goat
Clonality Polyclonal
p-SGK (Ser 422)-R: sc-16745-R. Western blot analysis of SGK phosphorylation in untreated (A), insulin treated (B) and insulin and lambda protein phosphatase treated (C) HeLa whole cell lysates.

p-SGK (Thr 256) - sc-16744 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Prices $279.00
Sizes 200 µg/ml
Host Goat
Clonality Polyclonal
Western blot analysis of inactive (A,C,E) and active (B,D,F) human recombinant SGK fusion protein. Antibodies tested include SGK (C-20): sc-15885 (A,B), p-SGK (Thr 256): sc-16744 (C,D) and p-SGK (Thr 256)-R: sc-16744-R (E,F).

Anti-SGK1 (phospho S422) antibody - ab55281 from Abcam

Prices $390.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-SGK1 (phospho S422) antibody (ab55281) at 1/500 dilutionLane 1 : extracts from HeLa cells treated with Insulin (0.01U/ml, 15mins).Lane 2 : extracts from HeLa cells treated with Insulin (0.01U/ml, 15mins), and incubated with the immunising phosphopeptide.

Anti-SGK1 (phospho S78) antibody - ab73206 from Abcam

Prices $370.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-SGK1 (phospho S78) antibody (ab73206) at 1/500 dilutionLane 1 : Extracts from 293 cells treated with UV (15 mins)Lane 2 : Extracts from 293 cells treated with UV (15 mins) with immunising phosphopeptide at 10 µgLysates/proteins at 30 µg per lane.

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab59337 from Abcam

Prices $359.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
All lanes : Anti-SGK1 antibody (ab59337) at 1/500 dilutionLane 1 : 293 cells treated with heat shockLane 2 : 293 cells treated with heat shock with immunizing non-phosphopeptide

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab43606 from Abcam

Prices $385.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
ICC/IF image of ab43606 stained HeLa cells. The cells were 4% formaldeyhde fixed (10 min) and then incubated in 1%BSA / 10% normal goat serum / 0.3M glycine in 0.1% PBS-Tween for 1h to permeabilise the cells and block non-specific protein-protein interactions. The cells were then incubated with the antibody (ab43606, 10µg/ml) overnight at +4°C. The secondary antibody (green) was ab96899, DyLight® 488 goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L) used at a 1/250 dilution for 1h. Alexa Fluor® 594 WGA was used to label plasma membranes (red) at a 1/200 dilution for 1h. DAPI was used to stain the cell nuclei (blue) at a concentration of 1.43µM.

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab156637 from Abcam

Prices $378.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
Immunofluorescence of SGK1 in Human stomach tissue with ab156637 at 20 ug/mL.

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab63527 from Abcam

Prices $384.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal
ab63527, at 1/50 - 1/100 dilution, staining SGK1 in human lung carcinoma tissue by immunohistochemistry using paraffin-embedded tissue, in the absence (left) and presence (right) of immunising peptide.

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab55678 from Abcam

Prices $378.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
SGK1 antibody (ab55678) used in immunofluorescence at 10ug/ml on HeLa cells.

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab18887 from Abcam

Prices $370.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Rabbit
Clonality Polyclonal

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab59552 from Abcam

Prices $376.00
Sizes 50 µg
Host Chicken
Clonality Polyclonal
Anti-SGK1 antibody (ab59552) at 1/2000 dilution + E coli-derived fusion protein at 1 µgSecondaryGoat anti-IgY-HRP at 1/1000 dilution

Anti-SGK1 antibody - ab55685 from Abcam

Prices $376.00
Sizes 100 µg
Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
SGK1 antibody (ab55685) used in immunohistochemistry at 3ug/ml on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded human lung.

Anti-SGK1 antibody [3G8] - ab117540 from Abcam

Host Mouse
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone 3G8
ab117540, at 5 µg/ml, staining SGK1 in Formalin-fixed, Paraffin-embedded Human Liver tissue by Immunohistochemistry.

Anti-SGK1 antibody [Y238] - ab32374 from Abcam

Prices $387.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone Y238
All lanes : Anti-SGK1 antibody [Y238] (ab32374) at 1/500 dilutionLane 1 : A431 cell lysateLane 2 : NIH3T3 cell lysate

Anti-SGK1 antibody [Y238] (Alexa Fluor® 647) - ab198331 from Abcam

Prices $425.00
Sizes 100 µl
Host Rabbit
Clonality Monoclonal
Clone Y238
ab198331 staining SGK1 in differentiated Neuro2a cells. The cells were fixed with 4% formaldehyde (10 min), permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 for 5 minutes and then blocked with 1% BSA/10% normal goat serum/0.3M glycine in 0.1% PBS-Tween for 1h. The cells were then incubated overnight at +4°C with ab198331 at a 1/100 dilution (shown in red) and ab195887, Mouse monoclonal to alpha Tubulin (Alexa Fluor® 488), at a 1/250 dilution (shown in green). Nuclear DNA was labelled with DAPI (shown in blue).Image was taken with a confocal microscope (Leica-Microsystems, TCS SP8).This product also gave a positive signal under the same testing conditions in differentiated Neuro2a cells fixed with 100% methanol (5 min).
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